Saturday, January 19, 2013


Well this week I have been pretty busy and unfortunately haven't had much time to pin and post. I had planned on doing several pins today, but I ended up getting hurt in an unpacking avalanche in the garage. So I have been chilling on the couch watching Psych on Netflix. But I wanted to share my kitties.
Yes I really like black and white kitties and orange kitties. 

Sam and Sara are munchkins, which means they have short little legs and run like ferrets, its pretty freaking cute!

Landon and Cali we raised from kittens. PJ was from a friend who had him as a kitten.
Logan and JJ were strays that we took in. Their first pics shows how skinny they were. But they are fat now. ^_^

Sam and Sara were adopted off CraigsList while Connor was adopted from a rescue at my husbands work.

Hope you enjoyed meeting me kitties.

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