Saturday, January 19, 2013

tofu scramble VS scrambled eggs

I came across a recipe for tofu scramble and thought I would try it out. I didn't follow the recipe to a T, mainly because I don't have nutritional yeast or black sea salt. Soooooo...instead I used flour and regular salt and pepper.

The original pin requires mixing:

1/2 cup warm water
2 teaspoons nutritional yeast
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/8 teaspoon black sea salt

Instead I used

1/2 cup warm water
2 teaspoons flour
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
pinch of salt and pepper

The flour is needed to thicken the water so its more of a sauce to coat the tofu. Just break up the tofu up into little pieces and heat in a skillet. Mix the ingredients from above and pour over the tofu while still heating. You can add other seasonings like garlic and other things you would normally put on your eggs. Once the "sauce" is absorbed, the tofu scramble should be done.

Now the pin says to serve over squash, which sounds devine, but I didn't have squash, so I sliced up potatoes.  I also made regular scrambled eggs to compare.  I served with cheese on top and with ketchup. 

I was surprised, even though the tofu scramble doesn't taste quite like eggs, I still enjoyed it way more than the eggs.  Comparing them to each other, the eggs just seemed rubbery compared to the soft tofu texture. And no, I didn't over cook the eggs. Although, if you don't like tofu, you should still to your eggs.


Tofu vs egg

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